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The client was referred to OccHealth by Altius’ Recovery and Wellness Initiative (RAWI) in September 2019. He suffered a right ankle injury on February 25, 2019 following a fall at work, which required surgical intervention. As a result of his injury, the client became job detached and unable to complete normal activities of daily living. He struggled with weight gain and became severely deconditioned as a result of very minimal physical activity.
RAWI provided support and encouragement to assist with motivation and gradually increasing activity levels. Sessions were supervised within his local gym to increase social engagement, where suitable equipment and exercises were identified to not only rehabilitate the client’s ankle but improve wholistic strength and conditioning. Additionally, exercises targeting weight loss and supporting the client’s goal of ultimately returning to running were also included.
Education was provided around the importance of regular activity and improving functional strength and fitness to facilitate return to work within the construction industry. Strategies around pacing were discussed and implemented to facilitate a graded and sustainable recommencement of domestic tasks. The RAWI was established to assist with improving strength and promoting the development of routine, for which the client was regularly supported to ensure consistency and program compliance.
Our purpose is to enable people to realise their health potential. We’re proud to bring this example of our purpose in action and to share the real tangible impact of our work each day on people, organisations and communities.
For further information on the RAWI program.