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Our workplace stretching program empowers employees to take control of their safety to improve productivity and prevent injury. Learn more!

Workplace Stretch and Move Program (SAM)

The aim of the Altius Group Stretch and Move Program is to prevent injury through tailored stretching and education programs.

Our allied health professionals identify gaps and barriers in worker awareness, education and workplace design then provide physical and theoretical training to meet specific workplace needs.

Injury prevention strategies have been found to be more cost-effective, reduce the amount of lost time at work and improve employee productivity.

The SAM program addresses this through specific and tailored stretching and education programs. It aims to empower employees to take accountability for their own safety, physical wellbeing, and longevity through avoidance of injury.

Benefits of Workplace Stretching For Employees

Stretching reduces the risk of injury to the worker by physically and mentally preparing them for their workplace activity. Stretching makes the worker more aware of their bodies tolerances and gives them increased confidence in their capabilities.

The stretching and move program provides employees with:

  • Heightened awareness of their body and its tolerance during specific work duties and movements.
  • Increased empowerment and confidence of the employee to improve their life and wellbeing
  • Simple, effective advice and practice self-management tools to durably complete their duties.
  • Strategies to reduce injury risk whilst completing work duties.

What the Workplace Stretching Program Covers

The Stretching Program addresses the specific needs of the individual workplace and is tailored for the activities of the workers within them.

 The SAM program covers:

  • Specific stretching techniques for tailored roles, focussing on unloading tension that accumulates in the muscles with sustained and repetitive duties.
  • Safe methods of manual handling, including lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying.
  • The importance of physical activity in the promotion of a wide range of health benefits.
  • The concept of pacing during work tasks to ensure long-term completion of required duties and prevention of muscular tension – thus reducing injury risk.

Digital Delivery Option

In addition, the SAM program offers employees the use of a smartphone application (based on location). Using this digital application, our allied health professionals can provide employees a tailored stretching program based on their individual needs.

This interactive application allows our allied health professionals to monitor progress, communicate directly with employees who may have some ongoing issues and alter the tailored program as necessary.

Evaluation & Reporting

Metrics are linked to the number of sessions undertaken and can include:

  • Lost Time Injury data (LTI) and injury rates can be compared at 12 months post-program and compared with the previous 5-year average
  • Reporting will include the number of individuals enrolled, number of sessions completed and demographics. If use of the digital app is activated, data can be collated, deidentified and reported with recommendations.

If you would like to learn more about the Stretch and Move Program, please contact us today.


What are the benefits of a workplace stretching program?

The Workplace Stretching Program can lower the risk of Injury In workers by providing specific movement techniques that are tailored to their job roles. Correct stretching techniques can provide a heightened awareness in the worker of their body and its capabilities, and with it an increase of confidence in performing their role.

Do workplace stretching programs work?

The best posture is one that changes every 10 minutes, which indicates that it can take only 10 minutes to overload postural muscles

Who is the Stretch and Move Program suitable for?

The Stretch and Move Program Is suitable for all organisations as the education of movement techniques are tailored to a company and the types of movement their workers are most likely to experience.